bugs.doc - Lists most recent version first with fixes for each release in chronological order. =========================================================================== Bugs stomped and changes/additions for 0.99j: =========================================================================== 02/28/90 - Cursor position not being updated correctly when leaving buffer review mode. Fixed. - Added SkyPix pathname logic, see the read.me file for details on how it is supposed to function. - SkyPix emulation won't grok optimized scroll due to its ability to change fonts on the fly, when SkyPix is selected, this gadget will be reset and disabled. - More cosmetic adjustments to clean up some of the "holes" in a few of the requesters. 03/01/90 - Fixed a few inconsitencies in convert_time(). - Changed fwrite() to custom asynchronous file writes for file downloads. - Transfer and review buffer sizes in the general parameters requester now indicate buffer size in blocks of 2,048 bytes. The transfer buffer can range from 4 to 16 (8k to 32k). While the review buffer can range from 2 through 250 blocks (4k to 500k). Both default to 8 blocks. 03/02/90 - Print screen function has been changed, it no longer can be used when in SkyPix mode or if the printer is already open. - Registration and user requesters will now time out after ten minutes and shut down JR-Comm automatically. 03/03/90 - Asynchronous file reads now implemented. Warp-speed floppy uploads, "Ya gotta luv it"... - Expanded sector send routine to optimize for YMODEM-g when the overdrive option is enabled. This caused WXMODEM xfers to drop off sharply above 9600bps, is there really a need for it to be any faster? Doable if so, but will add more weight to the code. - Made the HEX output function a user accessable option via the miscellaneous menu. Amiga shortcut via 'J'. Clears screen when entering & exiting, spits out a prompt when active. Captured file will be quite confusing though, this is intended as a debug feature and currently isn't fully integrated for as-is capture. - Added a menu item for IBM Doorway mode, Amiga shortcut via 'N'. 03/04/90 - Capture buffer now uses asynchronous file writes. - Printer option now uses asynchronous file writes in 1024 byte blocks. Printers that are slow and/or have a small input buffer will have a drastic effect on total throughput. High baud rates and/or long bursts of data require XON/XOFF handshake active to prevent data loss. - Moved all menu items that toggle a feature over to a new menu called "Modes". Each item also has a checkmark for visual indication. - More menu re-arranging to group things a bit "better". 03/05/90 - Added two more menu items, now open and append capture buffer functions can be open/appended with or without the contents of the review buffer being saved too. - Re-numbered the requester menu items, now they are from 1-8, 0 is used for the registration menu item. 03/06/90 - Getting invalid date/timestamps for YMODEM and ZMODEM downloads to ram disk, checking. 03/07/90 - File transfers to/from floppy were giving incorrect CPS figures due to waiting until after the file is opened before grabbing the start time value. Now the value is set before the open file function is called. This had very little effect on ramdisk and hard disk file transfers. 03/08/90 - Added logic to test for file existence when opening for append, asynch files work a bit differently. - When starting a file transfer when SkyPix is active, the palette is reset to the default SkyPix palette. This should prevent the problem of invisible stats data during the transfer. - Oddities in the stats during a ZMODEM resume should be fixed now. - Added gadgets for the timer and clock, that one toggles 12/24 hour mode. - Fixed title on during startup guru. - cursor no longer activates when in review buffer mode. - I think the SKIP and DEL lock-up in the dialer is cured now. - IBM ANSI wasn't sending cursor position report, this _should_ cure the "auto-sensing" ANSI problem... 03/10/90 - Datestamping is working again with ZMODEM, things got a bit munged on the conversion to asynch file I/O. - Memory stomp when aborting a file transfer should no longer occur. - Added a second close window gadget check for the file transfer statistics window which now closes the window regardless of what's going on. I guess you can call it a "panic abort". =========================================================================== Bugs stomped and changes/additions for 0.99i: =========================================================================== 02/24/90 - When opening the capture file, a check has been added to see if the review buffer is empty. The query to save the review buffer contents is bypassed if so. - When exiting, I noticed that the status line somehow got refreshed in the CLI window. Not sure if this cures it, but I added a stop clock signal at the start of the close down process. - Fixed memory stomp in the query requester. 02/25/90 - Switching from an interlace, to a non-interlace screen would cause a lockup and/or guru if the cursor was in the bottom half of the screen, fixed. - Dialer wasn't closing the dialer window *before* closing the screen if a different one is called out when a connection is established. Of course, this is a very unhealthy thing to do... - "Fixed" the screen title bar on/off logic, now refreshes the text after adjusting itself. - Double-click dial select logic was slightly muddled, but not completely brain dead, fixed. - Potential biggie, clock was trying to modify a null pointer when a NOSKIP was called, not good, fixed. This was the cause of the double low memory stomp when exiting the dialer. - Added restore to process window pointer as per 1.3 RKM under OpenScreen(). - No longer calls dialer when no entries have been selected. - Clearing the online timer when cents/min is active no longer gives you a money display. - Phonebook requester should no longer unnecessarily refresh the list back to the top. 02/26/90 - Status line reset function was using out-of-bounds values, fixed. - Bounds checking for clear-to-end-of-page and its companion, -from-start-of-page, was malformed, remolded same. This caused the status line to be blanked and the cursor to disappear, along with various maladies (gurus and such) during and certainly after using JR-Comm. - Enabled the trim screen function again to see if any conflicts remain. This is used to slice off a bitplane during a transfer when using a 16 color screen, it really boosts throughput. - Stats window wasn't clearing the actual time variable before the first download, fixed. 02/27/90 - Phonebook was not updating the master password gadget after reading a new phonebook in that has a different password. - Session timeout no longer leaves an orphaned window on the screen. - Dialer and phonebook had problems when removing the first or last entry in a list, fixed. 02/28/90 - CIS B+ no longer trashes the actual time display during a transfer. - Missed some failure checking for transfer file opens. - No longer calls guru when finding a .def file of the wrong version. - Cosmetic fix for initial load, would say it was loading phonebook even if the file was of the wrong version. =========================================================================== Bugs stomped and changes/additions for 0.99h: =========================================================================== 01/18/90 - Added overdrive option for ZMODEM and YMODEM-g transfers. This is not recommended for transfers at baud rates below 9600bps due to increased error recovery times. 01/19/90 - Lengthened macros to 160 characters maximum each. - Limit phonebook size to 9999 entries. 01/20/90 - About menu item key changed to a '?'. - Phonebook requester menu item key changed to '0'. - Added "!*" escape for macros to load a phonebook. 01/21/90 - Macro escapes for loading macro and phonebook files wouldn't search the master pathname first. 01/23/90 - Stomped guru for macro escape that loads macro files. 01/26/90 - Refined serial open, now checks for failure to open in CTS mode, informs user too. 01/28/90 - Fixed problem with status line gadgets in a morerowed screen. - Fixed dialer bug that would skip to the bottom of the list when you an entry. Also sends two carriage returns seperated by one-half second before returning in an attemtp to cancel the modem dialing process. - More work on the dialer. Is it *really* working this time??? 01/29/90 - Delete function in phonebook would cause a lock-up if all entries are selected, fixed. 01/30/90 - Phonebook now edits and deletes the same way, see the docs. 02/01/90 - The clear screen menu item now resets the VT100 emulation properly. 02/03/90 - Fixed YMODEM-g download hangup bug. 02/04/90 - More ZMODEM send option testing. 02/07/90 - Still more checking with ZMODEM. 02/10/90 - Found bug with ZMODEM downloads munging the protocol type. 02/11/90 - Estimated time is now computed using the baud rate returned from the dialer. You modem must support CONNECT xxxx response codes for this to work. This is for the benefit of MNP modem users that lock the baud rate higher than the connect rate. - Added a 5 TIMEOUT count to ZMODEM sends, this allows segmented streaming and ZMCRC checks to succeed. Have to test with an MS-DOS version (ZCOMM) for compatibility. - Console now adjusts for proper display when title is active. Title state is now saved in jrcomm.def too. - Removed stray characters from title text. - Renamed "Lines" gadgets to "Font size" in terminal requester. - Renamed "IBM scan codes" gadget to "IBM Doorway mode". - File transfer status window now displays pathname, also changed the layout of the window to take up less vertical space. - Filename string gadget in file requester now terminates when a carriage return is entered. 02/12/90 - Renamed "Phone directory entry" requester to "Phone entry editor". - Fixed bug where dialer would get hung-up in an infinite wait if you start the dialer without the modem in command echo mode. - Dialer had another problem, sits there kinda dumb if a carrier is already present when starting, exits now. 02/14/90 - Added code to re-direct AmigaDOS system requesters to custom screens. I'm losing the requester title though, haven't figured that one out yet... - Fixed parent gadget bug in the file requester that wouldn't go back to the current directory that JR-Comm was started in, in other words, the sub-directory of a NULL pathname. - Wasn't checking for an error if the pathname the file requester is opened with doesn't exist. It now nulls the pathname and then does a file list build attempt. - File requester now clears the display list when a sub-directory is clicked on. This prevents you from getting malformed pathnames like "misc/misc" or "misc////" and other such nonsense. This was introduced as a result of converting to a dynamic requester. - Unmunged the range checking in the general parameters requester. - PreScroll was munging ANSI sequences, fixed it. - Found a real nasty one, probably the reason VT100 would die unexplicably. If the clear to end-of-line function was called with the cursor in the leftmost column, a negative number would be stored in the display information matrix, not good. 02/15/90 - Removed prescroll option for now, it caused problems with the display information matrix. Have to mull over some things before adding it again, too much overhead updating the matrix properly at the moment, gotta figure out a trick for this one. - Found guru when session timer had timed out for quite awhile. - TxChar1_() wasn't decoding end-of-line-out conversion properly, fixed. - Conducted more ZMODEM tests via two 14.4kbps HST modems. Found that a task priority of 15 was stomping on ZMODEM uploads, may have to limit task range some more... Averaged about 1600cps on the 270k file. 02/16/90 - SkyPix was allocating just a tad too much chip ram for the TmpRas structure, corrected that. - SkyPix file transfers were completely brain-dead, brought that back to life. 02/17/90 - ZMODEM & YMODEM-g uploads now have an accurate cps computation when using the overdrive option. 02/19/90 - XON/XOFF handshake was still capable of locking up the serial.device if no XON was received from the remote. Modified wait routines for serial writes to restart the device if no XON is received within 10 seconds. This only takes care of protocol handshaking though. - Added an input event handler to scan for a sequence which will send a CMD_START to the serial.device. This allows the user to restart the serial device when an XOFF is received as a result of modem noise, like when disconnecting. This was known to most users as an occasional and unexplainable "lock-up" that sometimes occured whenever using the XON/XOFF handshaking mode. 02/20/90 - Added an offset table for the SkyPix palette to follow normal ANSI color set sequences. - SkyPix default color pens aren't user definable, added code to do this check. - SkyPix is now working... All brushes and sound files are directed to ram: for now. 02/21/90 - Added another input event check, this time for a . This will cause the file requester to flip between file and path name string gadgets. - SkyPix looks for the pearl.font (8) when first opening the screen, defaults to the internal font otherwise. 02/22/90 - File requester would stomp on a list change if a directory build was in progress. Now bypasses display update if the files list is not active when the list sort is completed. - The beep has been internalized in a friendly way. The general parameters requester now has a gadget selection for sounding the beep. It defaults to inactive which makes JR-Comm call the DisplayBeep() function for those who install other beep programs. (I do hope that this will finally quiet the masses...) =========================================================================== Bugs stomped for 0.99g: =========================================================================== 01/12/90 - Corrected problem with delete not erasing characters in chat mode. - Traced the problem with the evaluation period count getting blown to hell. 01/13/90 - Changed check in dialer so that it agrees with what the "hangup on dialer exit" gadget indicates. - Negelected to decode formfeeds (^L) in IBM color and mono modes, fixed. 01/15/90 - Wasn't capturing a linefeed when a c/r was received. - Ironed out kinks with split review mode when using SkyPix. =========================================================================== Bugs stomped for 0.99f: =========================================================================== 01/03/90 - re-worked registration front end. much cleaner working now. 01/04/90 - lastx and scroll_pens arrays in console.c were being scrolled incorrectly due to mis-casting, changed to short from int. 01/05/90 - TxByte_() in serial.c was capable of grabbing every last byte of available memory. Now models TxBlock_() almost exactly, no loss of performance either. - A chained macro could cause a guru if the delay was active before chaining and another delay was asked for in the first character of the chained macro. - Macros wouldn't process a '0' for decimal and hex escapes. - File requester wouldn't abort a directory scan immediately when another device or directory was selected. - Removed Lucifer encryption code, took too long to complete for the registered version. - Removed EOL in option in the terminal requester and added an option to add linefeeds when a carriage return is received. 01/07/90 - Fixed problem when the session expires while a requester is open, this would cause a lock-up.